Class Summary
Static Public Class Summary | ||
public |
Animation engine API for JavaScript-based animations. |
public abstract |
Basic abstract BaseGauge class implementing common functionality for different type of gauges. |
public |
DOM Observer. |
public |
Minimalistic HTML5 Canvas Linear Gauge |
public |
Minimalistic HTML5 Canvas Gauge |
public |
Drawings on canvas using hidden canvas as a cache for better performance drawings during canvas animations. |
Function Summary
Static Public Function Summary | ||
public |
Gauge collections type. |
public |
drawValueBox(context: Canvas2DContext, options: GenericOptions, value: number | string, x: number, y: number, max: number) Draws value box at given position |
public |
formatMajorTickNumber(num: number, options: object): string Formats a number for display on the dial's plate using the majorTicksFormat config option. |
public |
linearGradient(context: Canvas2DContext, colorFrom: string, colorTo: string, length: number): CanvasGradient Creates and returns linear gradient canvas object |
public |
Pads a given value with leading zeros using the given options |
public |
radialPoint(radius: number, angle: number): {x: number, y: number} Calculates and returns radial point coordinates |
public |
Transforms degrees to radians |
public |
Draws rounded corners rectangle |
public |
Look-ups for a proper vendor-specific property and returns its value |
Variable Summary
Static Public Variable Summary | ||
public |
GenericOptions: {renderTo: RenderTarget, width: number, height: number, minValue: number, maxValue: number, value: number, units: string|boolean, majorTicks: number[]|string[], minorTicks: number, strokeTicks: boolean, animatedValue: boolean, title: string|boolean, borders: boolean, valueInt: number, valueDec: number, majorTicksInt: number, majorTicksDec: number, animation: boolean, animationDuration: number, animationRule: string|AnimationRule, colorPlate: string, colorMajorTicks: string, colorMinorTicks: string, colorTitle: string, colorUnits: string, colorNumbers: string, colorNeedle: string, colorNeedleEnd: string, colorValueText: string, colorValueTextShadow: string, colorBorderShadow: string, colorBorderOuter: string, colorBorderOuterEnd: string, colorBorderMiddle: string, colorBorderMiddleEnd: string, colorBorderInner: string, colorBorderInnerEnd: string, colorValueBoxRect: string, colorValueBoxRectEnd: string, colorValueBoxBackground: string, colorValueBoxShadow: string, colorNeedleShadowUp: string, colorNeedleShadowDown: string, needle: boolean, needleShadow: boolean, needleType: string, needleStart: number, needleEnd: number, needleWidth: number, borderOuterWidth: number, borderMiddleWidth: number, borderInnerWidth: number, borderShadowWidth: number, valueBox: boolean, valueBoxStroke: number, valueText: string, valueTextShadow: boolean, valueBoxBorderRadius: number, highlights: Highlight[], fontNumbers: string, fontTitle: string, fontUnits: string, fontValue: string} Shared generic gauges options |
public |
drawings: * |
Typedef Summary
Static Public Typedef Summary | ||
public |
AnimationRule: function(percent: number): number Generic AnimationRule function interface |
public |
AnimationRules: {linear: AnimationRule, quad: AnimationRule, dequad: AnimationRule, quint: AnimationRule, dequint: AnimationRule, cycle: AnimationRule, decycle: AnimationRule, bounce: AnimationRule, debounce: AnimationRule, elastic: AnimationRule, delastic: AnimationRule} Predefined known animation rules. |
public |
DrawEventCallback: function(percent: number): * Callback for animation step draw event. |
public |
EndEventCallback: function(): * Callback for animation complete event. |
public |
GaugeInterface: function(options: object): GaugeInterface, draw |
public |
Highlight area definition. |
public |
LinearGaugeOptions: GenericOptions | {orientation: string, borderRadius: number, barBeginCircle: number, barWidth: number, barStrokeWidth: number, barProgress: boolean, colorBar: string, colorBarEnd: string, colorBarStroke: string, colorBarProgress: string, colorBarProgressEnd: string, tickSide: string, needleSide: string, numberSide: string, ticksWidth: number, ticksWidthMinor: number, ticksPadding: number, barLength: number, fontNumbersSize: number, fontTitleSize: number, fontUnitsSize: number} Linear gauge configuration options |
public |
RadialGaugeOptions: GenericOptions | {ticksAngle: number, startAngle: number, colorNeedleCircleOuter: string, colorNeedleCircleOuterEnd: string, colorNeedleCircleInner: string, colorNeedleCircleInnerEnd: string, needleCircleSize: number, needleCircleInner: boolean, needleCircleOuter: boolean} Gauge configuration options |
public |
RenderTarget: HTMLElement | string Describes rendering target element. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
External Summary
Static Public External Summary | ||
public |
public |
public |