Canvas Gauges User Guide
Gauges As HTML Components
Canvas gauges provides a declarative way to injection gauges into HTML-page. Each gauge is a simply HTML canvas element. When the custom element obtains attribute “data-type” with one of “linear-gauge” or “radial-gauge” values, it automatically becomes treated as gauge component and is rendered correspondingly.
Gauges support injection/modification of config options via adding/changing/removing configuration attributes at runtime. All configuration attributes should start with “data-“ prefix to produce valid HTML output. All attribute names correspondingly mapped into gauge configuration options.
Declaring Gauges
Zero-configuration gauge:
<script src="gauge.min.js"></script>
<canvas data-type="linear-gauge"></canvas>
With some configuration options:
<script src="gauge.min.js"></script>
<canvas data-type="linear-gauge"
Mutating Gauges
Canvas gauges support mutations at runtime, so you can easily re-configure gauge by simply changing attributes values. Even gauge type can be changed.
There are some configuration options which are defined for a certain type of gauge only. By the way even if you will declare attributes which gauge does not support it won’t break anything - them will just won’t be parsed and took into account during rendering. So switching gauge type in-runtime always safe.
For example:
<script src="gauge.min.js"></script>
<canvas data-type="linear-gauge"
var gaugeElement = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
gaugeElement.setAttribute('data-border-radius', 20);
gaugeElement.setAttribute('data-color-numbers', 'red');
gaugeElement.setAttribute('data-type', 'radial-gauge');
gaugeElement.setAttribute('data-type', 'linear-gauge');
Configuration Attributes Mapping
When using HTML declarative configuration via attributes, mandatory “renderTo” configuration option is not required as far as gauge will be rendered to a proper canvas element directly.
Options | Attribute | Gauge Type | Value Type |
renderTo | - | any | string or HTMLCanvasElement |
width | data-width | any | number |
height | data-height | any | number |
minValue | data-min-value | any | number |
maxValue | data-max-value | any | number |
value | data-value | any | number |
title | data-title | any | string |
units | data-units | any | string |
majorTicks | data-major-ticks | any | array of string or number |
minorTicks | data-minor-ticks | any | integer |
strokeTicks | data-stroke-ticks | any | boolean |
animatedValue | data-animated-value | any | boolean |
borders | data-borders | any | boolean |
valueInt | data-value-int | any | integer |
valueDec | data-value-dec | any | integer |
majorTicksInt | data-major-ticks-int | any | integer |
majorTicksDec | data-major-ticks-dec | any | integer |
animation | data-animation | any | boolean |
animationDuration | data-animation-duration | any | number |
animationRule | data-animation-rule | any | string or function |
colorPlate | data-color-plate | any | string |
colorMajorTicks | data-color-major-ticks | any | string |
colorMinorTicks | data-color-minor-ticks | any | string |
colorTitle | data-color-title | any | string |
colorUnits | data-color-units | any | string |
colorNumbers | data-color-numbers | any | string |
colorNeedle | data-color-needle | any | string |
colorNeedleEnd | data-color-needle-end | any | string |
colorValueText | data-color-value-text | any | string |
colorValueTextShadow | data-color-value-text-shadow | any | string |
colorBorderShadow | data-color-border-shadow | any | string |
colorBorderOuter | data-color-border-outer | any | string |
colorBorderOuterEnd | data-color-border-outer-end | any | string |
colorBorderMiddle | data-color-border-middle | any | string |
colorBorderMiddleEnd | data-color-border-middle-end | any | string |
colorBorderInner | data-color-border-inner | any | string |
colorBorderInnerEnd | data-color-border-inner-end | any | string |
colorValueBoxRect | data-color-value-box-rect | any | string |
colorValueBoxRectEnd | data-color-value-box-rect-end | any | string |
colorValueBoxBackground | data-color-value-box-background | any | string |
colorValueBoxShadow | data-color-value-box-shadow | any | string |
colorNeedleShadowUp | data-color-needle-shadow-up | any | string |
colorNeedleShadowDown | data-color-needle-shadow-down | any | string |
fontNumbers | data-font-numbers | any | string |
fontTitle | data-font-title | any | string |
fontUnits | data-font-units | any | string |
fontValue | data-font-value | any | string |
needle | data-needle | any | boolean |
needleShadow | data-needle-shadow | any | boolean |
needleType | data-needle-type | any | string |
needleStart | data-needle-start | any | number |
needleEnd | data-needle-end | any | number |
needleWidth | data-needle-width | any | number |
borderOuterWidth | data-border-outer-width | any | number |
borderMiddleWidth | data-border-middle-width | any | number |
borderInnerWidth | data-border-inner-width | any | number |
borderShadowWidth | data-border-shadow-width | any | number |
valueBox | data-value-box | any | boolean |
valueBoxStroke | data-value-box-stroke | any | number |
valueText | data-value-text | any | string |
valueTextShadow | data-value-text-shadow | any | boolean |
valueBoxBorderRadius | data-value-box-border-radius | any | number |
highlights | data-highlights | any | array of { from: number, to: number, color: string } |
borderRadius | data-border-radius | linear | number |
barBeginCircle | data-bar-begin-circle | linear | number |
barWidth | data-bar-width | linear | number |
barStrokeWidth | data-bar-stroke-width | linear | number |
barProgress | data-bar-progress | linear | boolean |
colorBarStroke | data-color-bar-stroke | linear | |
colorBar | data-color-bar | linear | string |
colorBarEnd | data-color-bar-end | linear | string |
colorBarProgress | data-color-bar-progress | linear | string |
colorBarProgressEnd | data-color-bar-progress-end | linear | string |
tickSide | data-tick-side | linear | string |
needleSide | data-needle-side | linear | string |
numberSide | data-number-side | linear | string |
ticksWidth | data-ticks-width | linear | number |
ticksWidthMinor | data-ticks-width-minor | linear | number |
ticksPadding | data-ticks-padding | linear | number |
barLength | data-bar-length | linear | number |
fontNumbersSize | data- font-numbers-size | linear | number |
fontTitleSize | data-font-title-size | linear | number |
fontUnitsSize | data-font-units-size | linear | number |
ticksAngle | data-ticks-angle | radial | number |
startAngle | data-start-angle | radial | number |
colorNeedleCircleOuter | data-color-needle-circle-outer | radial | string |
colorNeedleCircleOuterEnd | data-color-needle-circle-outer-end | radial | string |
colorNeedleCircleInner | data-color-needle-circle-inner | radial | string |
colorNeedleCircleInnerEnd | data-color-needle-circle-inner-end | radial | string |
needleCircleSize | data-needle-circle-size | radial | number |
needleCircleInner | data-needle-circle-inner | radial | boolean |
needleCircleOuter | data-needle-circle-outer | radial | boolean |
animationTarget | data-animation-target | radial | string |
Read more: all configuration options